5 Tips To (Finally) Keep Your Resolutions
Each year, you set new objectives for yourself, new habits to develop, new challenges to take up. You're filled each time with the hope and desire to become a better person. However, despite your good intentions, you eventually start putting things off, and you finally end up lacking motivation. Well you should know that keeping your resolutions is not that hard, if they're realistic. These 5 tips will help you succeed this year!
Keep it simple
As the saying goes, little by little, the bird builds its nest. Aiming for objectives that are easy to achieve increases your chance of success. The trick is to opt for habits that are both simple and gratifying. For instance, if your main objective is to be more active physically, you could exercise 5 minutes a day. You should also make a habit of doing it in a particular context so it more easily becomes a part of your daily routine. In the example above, it could be done in the living room before dinner.
Keep a log book
Writing your objectives will help you visualize them, plan them, and adjust them if needed. Indeed, keeping a log book is essential to clearly define your goals by asking yourself the right questions. You can compare the pros and the cons, and come up with an effective plan. Then, it allows you to visualize what progress you've made and adjust your objectives according to how well you adapt to them. Finally, keeping a record of your achievements and failures will guide you toward new resolutions, creating a virtuous circle.
Share your objectives with the people around you
Once you've determined your objectives and action plan, it would be helpful to share them with the people around you. There are two advantages to doing that. First, including the people around you strengthens your feeling of commitment. However, don't see it as additional pressure but more as a positive challenge. Secondly, it will help with motivation. Sharing the progress you've made as well as the doubts you may have along the way enables the people around you to support you as needed and keep your enthusiasm up.
Reward yourself
Speaking of motivation, it's totally natural to feel like rewarding yourself for your achievements. It's even encouraged to do it to add joy and fun to the whole process. What's important is to choose the right reward. Obviously, it must not be counterproductive. For instance, for training every day for a month, you could buy yourself a new yoga mat, or a hiking trip over the weekend.
Be patient
Even if sticking to your objectives seems hard after a month, don't give up! This would merely undermine all the time and effort you put in. On average, it takes about 10 weeks for a new habit to be established and included in a daily routine.
Apply all of those tips, hold on, and chances are you'll be successful!