Tips to avoid injuries when shovelling snow
1. Plan ahead
If snow accumulation is expected, use an ice preventer to make it easier to remove the snow, or an ice melter to prevent slips and falls.
2. Warm up
Give your body time to get used to the physical effort. Start with removing the snow from your vehicle!
3. Push the snow
Use a sleigh shovel to push the snow instead of lifting it. If that is not possible, read point #4.
4. Lift wisely
To give your back muscles a little rest, bend your knees, lift with your legs, and avoid rotating the trunk.
5. Go out often
When snow accumulation is expected, go shovel a few times over a longer period of time. Shovelling several smaller quantities will be easier than shovelling all of the snow in one go.
6. Use appropriate equipment
A shovel with an ergonomic handle will reduce the risk of back injuries. Know that a good shovel should weigh less than 3 pounds (1.5 kg).
7. Drink water
Because of the low temperatures, you may not feel like you're warm. Shovelling can be more demanding than you think. Take a break once in a while and keep hydrated.